Author and Editor Highlights
"The time has come, the walrus said, to speak of many things..."
~ Alice in Wonderland, by Lewis Caroll
Thirty years in publishing, Kim Childress is an award-winning editor, author, speaker, and reviewer, including book editor for Girls' Life magazine since its 1994 debut, and previous middle grade acquisitions editor for HarperCollins Christian Publishing (Zondervan). Author of Find Your Future in Art, Kim is the author of 100s of books, short stories, and articles for all ages; as regular contributor to Writer's Digest, The Institute of Children's Literature's monthly bulletin, and their annual guides.
Kim built her career while raising of personal focus group of four children, sharing insights and adventures as former contributor to the Focus on the Child parenting newsletters, writing for parents of children ages newborn-teen (division of Focus on the Family). Currently a product developer in publishing with a specialty in children's publishing, Kim continues to provide editorial and PR services, write, read, review and share books of excellence.
Growing up in the literary world allows Kim to better serve her clients in ways most agents can't. Because of her extensive career of over 30 years in publishing and editorial work, Kim is able to leverage her connections and skills to help build and grow our client's personal brands. Instead of focusing on one book project, Kim envisions the future of all our clients and guides them into their successful careers. As a writer herself, she is a prolific editor and deeply relates to her authors in their creative journeys. Follow Kim on your favorite social media platforms:
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TheBibleDare.org, 2019
Helping bring this passion project to life was a year-long spiritual journey for me, helping bring this vision to fruition, in awe and amazement, as I was asked to create multiple choice questions on all four Gospels and the book of Romans, for this app not designed for making money, but for getting young readers to read the Bible
Freelance and Regular Contributor, 1998-2010
SCBWI Bulletin
Focus On Your Child, Newborn, Elementary, Tween and Teen Years, published by Focus on the Family
The Children’s Writer
Writer’s Digest
Additional Books & Articles
- “Must Reads,” Girls’ Life magazine, 1994–present
- Regular Contributor: SCBWI Bulletin, Focus on Your Child, The Children’s Writer, Writer’s Digest, GirlWorldDaily.com, ProjectGirlSpire.com, and more
- Find Your Future in Art, Cherry Lake Publishing, August 2016, 9781634719476. Author and Editor of The Find Your Future in STEAM series, Featured Series, Take Your Daughters and Sons to Work Day, 2021
- Body & Soul: A Girl’s Guide to a Fit, Fun, and Fabulous Life, Contributor and editor, by Bethany Hamilton with Dustin Dilberg, Zondervan, May 2014, 9780310731054
- Our Constitution Rocks! Contributor and editor, by Juliette Turner, Zondervan, September 2012, ISBN-13: 978-0310734215
- Wacky Bible Gross Outs and Wacky Bible Blockheads, It’s A Fact series, Contributing author and editor, Zondervan, ages 11–14, 9780310744245; 9780310744191
Editorial Awards and Career Achievements
- Literary Agent, Where the Briars Sleep, by Emma Beaven, July 17, 2021, Tangled Tree Publishing/Hot Tree Press
- Literary Agent, The Stars in April, by Peggy Wirgau, March 27, 2021, IlluminateYA/Iron Stream Media
- Product Developer, The Legend of the Fairy Stones, by Kelly Anne White, with Literary Agent D.J. Snell, traditionally published, Morgan James Kids, Apr. 2019
- SCWC YA Notable Book Award, School Library Journal Starred Review, and award-winning middle grade historical fiction, The Stars in April, by Peggy Wirgau, Iron Stream Media 2021, Product Developer and Agent
- 2019 Purple Dragonfly Award for Excellence in Illustration and Contribution to Art Education, Honorable Mention, The Legend of the Fairy Stones, by Kelly White
- 2017 Christian Retailers Best Nonfiction, 101 Ways to have Fun, Zondervan, Acquisitions Editor, 2014
- A Plague of Unicorns, by Jane Yolen, Zondervan, Acquisitions and Developmental Editor, 2014
- 2015 Award Nominee, Christian Retailing’s Best; Selah Award Winner, 2015, Dare U 2 Open This Book and Just Sayin’, by Carol McAdams Moore, Zondervan, 2015
- Agatha Christie Finalists and Recipient, 2011-2013, Andi Unexpected and Andi Under Pressure by Amanda Flower, a Barnes & Noble Best Seller and USA Today Best-Selling author, Acquisitions and Developental Editor
- School Library Journal Top Ten Mystery for Young Adults, 2012; starred Booklist review, Code of Silence by Tim Shoemaker, Editor
- ECPA Top Ten best seller 2013, Game Changer in multi-CBA bid while at HarperCollins Christian Publishing (HCCP), HCCP continued best-selling title, Acquisitions and Development Editor with author Kirk Cousins
- Dare U 2 Open This Book and Just Sayin’ by Carol McAdams Moore, Zondervan, 2015; 2015 Award Nominee, Christian Retailing’s Best; Selah Award Winner, 2015
- Moonbeam Award, Bronze, Early Chapter Books, The Byways series by C.J. Milbrandt (a.k.a. Christa Kinde), 2016, Editor
- More titles written and produced by Kim Childress are listed on Ink-a-Dink Bookshop Storefront: CI Titles
Additional Books & Articles
- Find Your Future in Art, Find Your Future series, by Kim Childress, Cherry Lane Publishing, August 2016, 9781634719476
- Body & Soul: A Girl’s Guide to a Fit, Fun, and Fabulous Life, Contributor and editor, by Bethany Hamilton, Zondervan, May 2014, 9780310731054
- Our Constitution Rocks! Contributor and editor, by Juliette Turner, Zondervan, September 2012, 9780310734215
- Wacky Bible Gross Outs and Wacky Bible Blockheads, It’s A Fact series, Zondervan, ages 11–14, 9780310744245/9780310744191
- “Freelance Success Stories, Delivering Articles Like Babies,” 2008 Writer’s Market Deluxe Edition. Cincinnati: Writer’s Digest Books, 2007, page 39
- “Children’s Writers In Hollywood,” 2007 Book Markets for Children’s Writers. Connecticut: Institute of Children’s Literatur, 2007
- “Saving Hairy Long Legs,” Short-Short Stories for Reading Aloud—Grade 5, North Carolina: Education Center, 2001, page 71
- “Encore!,” Short-Short Stories for Reading Aloud—Grade 5, North Carolina: Education Center, 2001
- “The Raft,” Short-Short Stories for Reading Aloud—Grade 6, North Carolina: Education Center, 2001
- “Special Sales & Niche Marketing, Reach an Expanding Marketplace,” The Children’s Writer’s Guide to 2000, Connecticut: Institute of Children’s Literature, page 161
- “Sports Research & Writing, All About Stats?” The Children’s Writer’s Guide to 2000, Connecticut: Institute of Children’s Literature, page 211
- “Think Like a Publicist,” The Children’s Writer’s Guide to 1999, Connecticut: Institute of Children’s Literature, 1999, page 177
2024 and UPCOMING
- Featured, Hope Magazine, "Pursuing Her Dreams: Bookstore Owner Kim Childress Shares Her Story," myhopemag.com. 2024
- Author’s Row and Ink-a-Dink Bookstore PopUp Event, Reading Rocks in Rockford, Kraus Memorial Library, Rockford, MI, June 1, 2019-2024
- Multicultural Children’s Book Day, January 25, 2024
- Manuscript Academy Three-Day Submission Strategy Workshop, Jan. 25–27, 2024
2022-2023 HIGHLIGHTS
- James Patterson Holiday Bonus Bookstore Award, Ink-a-Dink Children’s Bookstore, Dec. 2021 and 2023
- Featured, Books Uplift, “Advice from Pros: Kim Childress with Childress Ink.” BooksUplift.com, Sept. 28, 2023
- 10th Annual Multicultural Children’s Book Day, January 26, 2023
- Michigan Association for Media Professionals in Education (MAME) 2023, Nov. 2023, Ann Arbor
- Faculty Speaker, Taylor University Professional Writers Conference, Upland, IN, July 28–29, 2023
- SCBWI Annual Summer Conference, Los Angeles, CA (virtual), Aug. 5–7, 2022, 2023, 2024
- Adjunct Professor, PWR 365 Inspirational Writing, Taylor University, Upland, IN, Jan–May 2022
- Scholastic Parents Night: Share Black Stories, Feb. 23, 2022
- World Read Aloud Day sponsored by Scholastic, Feb. 2, 2022
Additional Highlights
- SCBWI Grant Recipient, 2019, Childress Ink
- We Need Diverse Books (WNDB) Grant Recipient, 2019
- Host, Butler University Midwinter Children’s Literature Conference:
- Caitlyn Dlouhy, Senior Editor, Atheneum, 2002
- Stephanie Owens Lurie, VP and Senior Editor, Simon & Schuster, 1995
- James Cross Giblin, editor and author, Clarion 1998
- Guest interviewee for author Vivienne Moore and her podcast, May 11, 2019
- Aug 7, Literary Luncheon, sponsored by The Bookman, Grand Haven, MI
- Kerrytown BookFest. Sept. 10, 2019, Ann Arbor, MI
- Faculty, SCBWI MI Conference, "Gathering at the Grand," Sept. 15-16, 2019
- Grand Rapids Christian High School Winterim Instructor: January 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017
- Build-a-Book at Brownsburg Public Library, June 21-22
- ALA Conferences, 2017, 2015, 2020
- Featured author, The Bookman, SCBWI-MI PAL Merry Mitten Holiday, Dec. 10, 2017, Grand Haven, MI
- Guest Instructor, “Gettting Started Writing,” Lansing Christian School 2009, 2006
- Guest Instructor, “Becoming a Writer” and “The Making of Books," Brownsburg Junior High, 2002-03
- Butler University Young Writers Panel, Indianapolis, IN, 1998
- Indianapolis Public Schools, ISTEP-UP: Through Kids Ink Children’s Bookstore and state-funded program, spoke and donated books to underprivileged students, 1998
- “Weekend Edition” with Dr. Bill Meiers, Featured Radio Interviews, resulting from articles written for Focus on the Family, “Getting Neighborly” and “Surviving Budget Cuts,” March 2003, May 2005
Kim at Kazoo Books
Sharing Find Your Future in Art, STEAM Series, and SCBWI
Presentations & Publications
Mentoring and teaching young writers and publishing professionals has been one of the most fulfilling aspect of my career. -Kim Childress
I love to share the love of reading and writing, and welcome school, library and literary events.
Sharing children's books of excellence and instilling the love of reading into young readers.
Love my Girls' Life
Celebrating 30 Years
Reading Gives You Superpowers!