On January 26, 2023, Multicultural Children’s Book Day (MCBD) will celebrate its 10th anniversary of bringing culturally diverse books to the hands of children, parents, teachers, and librarians.
Each year, this online- and offline-celebration attracts thousands of supporters, educators, parents, caregivers, book reviewers, and quality authors and publishers, who join forces to shine the spotlight on diversity in literature for children and young adults. In addition to the annual event, MCBD offers free resources, teaching tools, book lists, downloads, and year-round initiatives to get multicultural and diverse books into the hands of young readers.
The Virtual Party!
Part of the ten-year celebration includes the MCBD Virtual Party, held this year from 9-10 p.m. EST via Zoom. Learn more and register in advance at MulticulturalChildrensBookDay.com, and automatically be entered to win one of six book bundles - 12 books each.
"As a proud participant and Multicultural Children’s Book Day Reviewer since I first discovered MCBD in 2014, this remains one of my favorite annual events, and has connected me with new readers and organizations where I can donate books," says Childress Ink founder Kim Childress.
Childress Ink and Ink-a-Dink will celebrate the occasion with additional book give-aways, curriculum, resources, surprise freebies and book swag. Subscribe at ChildressInk.com and Ink-a-Dink.com for advance information.
Founded in 2013 by Mia Wenjen, Multicultural Children’s Book Day (#ReadYourWorld) is a non-profit organization that works with authors and publishers to make diverse children’s books available for free.

About Kim Childress: Founder, Childress Ink ~ Ink-a-Dink
Author ~ Editor ~ Reviewer ~ Speaker
Thirty years in publishing, Kim Childress is an award-winning editor, author, speaker, and reviewer who built her career while raising of personal focus group of four children. Follow Kim on LinkedIn, FaceBook, Childress Ink Book Reviews, GoodReads, Instagram, Eventbrite, YouTube, PR.com; and check out the Ink-a-Dink Blog, Facebook and Instagram.