Writers Blogging
By Kim Childress
Writers Blogging? Why Bother?
The first and most obvious reason writers should blog is social media = free marketing.
Besides the marketing and networking aspects of blogging, posting regularly on your chosen social media platforms has additional benefits for writers that are often overlooked. Without any regard to gaining followers or watching analytics, blogging regularly helps writers with their craft, by helping writers learn to write daily, quickly and concisely.
Writing Quickly
One skill successful writers need is the ability to write quickly—and write well. Being limited in characters on some platforms (ie Twitter) really helps writers learn to condense and tighten their work.
Writing Often
Successful writers also have lots to write about. Whether articles, books, poetry or whatever genre you write in—the more projects you have out there, the more likely you are to be published. Blogging provides ways to share information related to you and your works, especially between creative writing spurts and times of writer’s block.
Writing Well
More than anything, if you want to be taken seriously in the publishing industry, your blogging should be professional—which doesn’t mean you can’t have fun! Now especially, bloggers need to be responsible in what they share. Also, publishers considering your works for publication care more about the quality and consistency of your blogging than how many followers you have.
Honing Your Craft and Creating Connections
Remember, writing is a craft, and it is continuously learned and polished. Just putting down your ideas can spark new ideas. Think of your blog posts as a “service” to someone somewhere, providing information of value, especially in your niche area. You will not only make new connections, you will continue to hone your skills as a writer.

Former middle grade editor for HarperCollins Christian Publishing, Kim Childress is a product developer specializing in children’s publishing, and author and editor of hundreds of books, short stories, and articles for children and the adults in their lives. Read Kim’s reviews in Girls’ Life magazine and on her social media sites, www.childressink.com and www.ink-a-dink.com.